Donation to the BC Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation

We donated some chocolate products to the 30 years fundraising of the BCAF. The event takes place from 6:00pm to 9:30pm on Saturday, April 30 at Thomas Haney Centre in Maple Ridge. The event celebrated the 30 years of bringing agriculture and food education to BC’s K-12 students. BCAITC now reaches over 500,000 students annually - inspiring them to actively engage with BC’s agriculture and food systems!

Sponsor bandits

EMKAO Foods is a proud sponsor of the Fraser Valley Bandits . The Bandits are a minor league basketball team in the Fraser Valley. EMKAO is part of the Bandits Corner Program. This program gives us the opportunity to support and contribute to professional basketball. EMKAO's chocolate bars can be found inside the Bandit Corner goodies bags after games! If you go to a game make sure to pick one up!  We are super excited to be a team sponsor.


For over 3 years, EMKAO is a big supporter and in kind donator of the Pacific Autism Family Network and Saccomaniacs Agriculture for Autism. Since 2014 they have raised $600,000 cash NET and over $250,000 in kind support for the Fraser Valley Spoke. All funds raised bring hands on resources to children and families living on the autism spectrum, auction items, for their online auction.


We were thrilled to be sponsoring and participating at the 2022 BCFB Award.This years's Award ceremony celebrated the industry’s women entrepreneurs, emerging businesses, most prominent leaders, pioneers etc..We couldn't be more proud to support and to be part of an incredible community that is always lifting-up on a daily basis its entrepreneurs.

Sponsoring Wine Tasting Event SANSORUM

On January 17th, we were proud sponsor of the Sansorium wine-tasting event. Sansorium is a local alcohol-free marketplace. Offering an abundance of alcohol-free beverages sourced from all over the world. Their event featured EMKAO Chocolate for customers to snack on while they sampled a selection of spirit-free wines. This was such a fantastic event because we all know how well chocolate pairs with wine! If you want to check out Sansorium and purchase some spirit-free wine, you can click the link, LinkedIN.

Donation Albert Mcmahon Elementary school to

We were proud to donate our in kind support towards Albert McMahon Elementary School's silent auction in Mission/BC, which took place at their community carnival night which was held at their school on May 26th 2023. We were honoured to contribute to such a great cause to help bring the community closer and to help raise funds for the construction of an inclusive playground at their school.This project will benefit over 440 students but also create a positive impact on the larger community. The funds raised through the silent auction will be utilized for the purchase of necessary equipment, such as wheelchair ramps, accessible swings, and sensory play areas. We couldn't be more proud to be part of this incredible fund raise. LinkedIn